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How to reduce your Carbon Footprint at Home

How to reduce your Carbon Footprint at Home

Posted by Celtic Sustainables on 10th Oct 2019

(or 8 Ways to Save Money on your Home Energy Bill)

If Setting the Thermostat Temperature Causes Heated Discussion

Indoor Comfort Thermometer

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Should you wear more clothing on or turn the thermostat up? If this feels like part of a conversation that happens all too often in your home, get one of these and find out for sure what is happening in your rooms.

This Comfort Thermometer has an easy to read dial for temperature and humidity. 

Find out more about the Comfort Thermometer >>

If you have a Wood Burning Stove

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Wood Stove Eco Fan

Ecofans quietly distribute the heat from your wood stove across the room rather than letting it go up the chimney or to the ceiling. The result is that you put less wood on the fire because the room heats up faster and the heat reaches the furthest corners of the room.

Ecofans are available in 5 different sizes. You simply chose the one that fits on the top of your wood stove - taking in to account that the blade needs space to swirl around. There is even one that works with lower temperature gas or pellet stoves.

No batteries and no plugs needed. Ecofans generate their own power by converting heat from your wood stove into electricity.

Comes with 2 year warranty.

Prices from £57.50

All in all if you have a wood stove this awesome device can lessen your environmental footprint by up to 18%.

View the Ecofan Range >>

Wood Moisture Meter

Wood Moisture Meter

Every wood stove owner knows that you need a stack of dry wood. Trying to burn unseasoned wood is inefficient and results in high levels of particulates going into the atmosphere.

This moisture meter is designed for wood and a whole host of other materials including plaster and concrete. Making this a really useful tool to have in the home.

£78.00. Powers off automatically when not in use to maximise battery life.

Find out more about wood moisture meters >>

Stove Thermometer

Wood Stove Thermometer

These are really great for working out whether you are burning wood too quickly or too slowly.

Running a wood stove too cold leads to a smoky fire and too much creosote deposited in your chimney. Too hot and you are wasting fuel - not to mention you could damage your wood stove.

At just £19.96 this is a great little device to ensure an efficient burn. 

Find out about wood stove thermometers >>

If you have Space Behind your Radiators

Radiator Heat Reflectors

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Recommended by the Energy Saving Trust, Radflek reflects the heat from your the back of your wall mounted radiators into the room, reducing heat transfer through the wall to the street outside.

Radflek a revolutionary energy saving radiator reflector that reflects 95% of the wasted heat energy. It's the most effective radiator on the market.

These radiator heat reflectors are easy to install behind wall mounted radiators, no need to remove radiators, nothing to stick on the wall. No technical skills or special tools required - just a pair of scissors and a tape measure!

Available in two kit sizes. Starting at £19.50 for up to 6 radiators. Can pay for itself within a year!

View the RadFlek Radiator Reflector Packs >>

If you are Putting in an Upstairs Shower

ShoweSave heat Exchanger

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The ShowerSave is worth a serious consideration if you are doing any building work that includes a new upstairs shower (it needs a full height room underneath to work).

It's basically a vertical heat exchanger that takes heat from the water going down your plug to warm up the cold water going in.

An efficiency saving of +60% depending on flow rate.

It's awesome, but very niche so we'll leave it there for now. 

Take a look if you are interested, find out more about the ShowerSave >>

Lastly, Insulate, Insulate, Insulate ...

Eco Insulation

Insulation is key to keeping your home nice and warm. Next time you are up in the loft space, check to see if you have enough depth of insulation. 

The recommended depth of insulation needed for your roof has changed in the UK over the years. It used to be 100mm, then 200mm, now it's increased again to 250mm to 270mm. So it is worth taking a ruler up with you and double checking.

We sell all sorts of environmentally friendly insulation including:

See the full eco insulation range >>

Loft legs

If you want to increase the insulation in your roof space and also need it the space for storage take a look at Loft Legs! These handy loft stilts are easy to install on your roof rafters and enable to you lay a higher floor over your increased insulation so that you avoid compressing the new insulation.