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New Product Launch From Earthborn: NEW Bonding Primer

New Product Launch From Earthborn: NEW Bonding Primer

Posted by Celtic sustainables on 1st Mar 2022

Introducing a NEW Bonding Primer for Silicate Masonry Paint

March 2022

Earthborn have recently launched a Bonding Primer that lets you paint silicate masonry paints onto previously painted exterior surfaces. Until now, in order to work effectively Earthborn’s Silicate Masonry Paint must be used with their Silicate Primer which could only be used on uncoated mineral surfaces to create a breathable finish. The development of Earthborn’s Bonding Primer will allow you to use the weather resistant external Silicate Masonry Paint on properties that have been previously painted.

What situation can the bonding primer be used?

Bonding Primer provides a mechanical bond between a ‘sealed’ wall and the paint, which allows Silicate Masonry Paint to ‘stick’ to the pre painted surface

Anthony says:

“For instance if you have a large area that is bare mineral substrate (like a new extension) and a little area that has been previously paint, and you want a uniformed finish, you could use the new bonding primer on that previously painted area. Then prime the rest of the unpainted area with Silicate Primer. Finish off the whole look with the silicate masonry paint, for a flattering matt finish all in the same product and colour”.

What paint can it over paint?

  • Literally ANY paint. Whether it be lime wash, acrylic or mineral. Just remember, any area you paint with the bonding primer won’t be breathable.

Can the bonding primer be used alongside the silicate primer for areas of paint that can’t be removed?

  • Absolutely! We’d recommend you spot prime the patches where the previous paint cannot be removed with the bonding primer. (Please be aware these patches will not be breathable). Then prime the rest of the unpainted area with Silicate Primer. For the second coat just apply a mixture of 20% silicate primer and 80% silicate paint over the whole area. Make sure to paint over the whole area and include the areas that have been spot primed. Then finish with a final coat of silicate masonry paint (undiluted).

How durable is the bonding primer?

  • The bonding primer and silicate masonry primer have a similar durability to other masonry paints of around 5-6 years depending on where the property is located.

What sizes is it available in?

  • 2.5 litres and 5 litre tins.

Earthborn have re-branded the Silicate Masonry Paint and Primers to bring in line with the other products. Which includes moving away from plastic tubs to metal tins. Due to the availability of the sizes of the metal tins Earthborn have introduced a 2.5L tin and will be discontinuing the 10L.

*You may receive plastic tubs whilst stocks last. Otherwise, keep an eye out for the new tin styles!

Don’t forget to finish the look with Silicate masonry paint and to use the primer where it is being applied to bare mineral substrates. You can request a colour card brochure to give you a better understanding of the colour, here