Toilet rolls made from 100% recycled paper from mainly* UK sources. Manufactured in the UK.
Select boxes of either 8, 24 or 48 rolls of 2 ply plastic free toilet paper made from 100% recycled paper. One tree is planted for every 48 box sold.
Each toilet roll is 32 metres long x 95mm wide and individually wrapped in one of 7 different World Changing Quests (3 levels of difficulty for each quest). Completing each quest level will make the world a better place.
Plastic free toilet paper UK
- 320 sheets of white “tree free” paper per roll.
- Each roll is manufactured in the UK from recycled paper that is mainly* all from UK waste streams.
- The quest paper wrappers are biodegradable (compostable), printed with odourless, vegetable based inks and sustainably sourced from the UK too.
- Each cardboard box is made from paper FSC certified sources and sealed with paper tape. Both manufactured in the UK.
- Keep track of the ways you are making a positive differenct to the world with the free poster inside each box.
World Changing Quests
Each toilet roll is wrapped in one of seven World Changing Quests. There is an 8th wrapper design too (but that one isn't really a quest, or maybe it is, you decide!).
Each quest is based around a theme and has 3 levels of difficulty. In total that’s 21 things you can do to change the world for the better! They are designed for a bit of inspirational reading while on the loo.
The 8 roll box has one of each quest for you to try. The other boxes are mixed with all quests (at least one of each).
The idea is that, for each quest you accept to do, you track each time you complete each level of the quest on the free “quest tracking” poster that comes with each box. That way you will know that you are really making a difference to the world #nocheating. Together, if everyone that buys a box (or reads the quests) completes them too, we will really start to see positive changes.
Box Set Season 1 World Changing Quests are:
- Litter Free,
- Meat Free (with vegetarian and vegan options),
- Save the Orangutan,
- Flush Right,
- Veg Out,
- Green Electric, and
- Design a Quest (aka Do it for David - your chance to challenge your family/housemates to make a difference about something you are passionate about).
- Don't Panic ...
Please remember to add in the notes/comments section of your order a safe and dry place where the box can be left if you are not in.
* The paper that is recycled to make this toilet tissue is pretty much 100% from UK waste sources but sometimes that can’t be guaranteed and some of the recycled paper may come from Europe, so we have to say “mainly”. It is 100% manufactured in the UK.